Sunday, November 6, 2016

Ways to Reduce and Control Air Pollution

The sources of air pollution are classified into two groups:
Natural Sources of Air Pollution:They are dust storms, forest fires, ash from smoking volcanoes, decay of organic matters and pollen grains floating in air.

Manmade Sources of Air Pollution: Population explosion, deforestation, urbanisation and industrialisation,

Methods of controlling gaseous pollutants:The air pollution caused by gaseous pollutants like hydrocarbons,sulphur dioxide,ammonia,carbon monoxide,etc can be controlled by using three different methods-Combustion,Absorption and Adsorption.

Combustion:This technique is applied when the pollutants are organic gases or vapours.The organic air pollutants are subjected to 'flame combustion or catalytic combustion when they are converted to less harmful product carbon dioxide and a harmless product water.

Absorption:In this method
The polluted air containing gaseous pollutants is passed through a scrubber containing a suitable liquid absorbent.The liquid absorbs the harmful gaseous pollutants present in air.
The polluted air is passed through porous solid adsorbents kept in suitable containers.The gaseous pollutants are adsorbed at the surface of the porous solid and clean air passes through.

Some  methods of controlling Air Pollution:

1.   Air pollution can be checked only through the combined efforts of the government, non‑government organizations and the general public.
2.   As far as possible use public forms of transport.
3.   Automobile engines should be redesigned in such a way that their emissions cause minimum pollution. Old automobile engines should be replaced by new ones. People should be encouraged to share the vehicle, and to avoid vehicles for short distances.
4.   Automobiles should be properly maintained and adhere to emission control standards.
5.   Begin a tree-watch group to ensure that they are well tended and cared for.
6.   Better designed equipment and smokeless fuels should be used in homes and industries.
7.   Buy electricity generated from renewable energies i.e. hydroelectric, wind or solar power.
8.   Buy vehicles and other items that are helpful to the environment. There are so many options that you have now that are either efficient on gas or they are hybrids, so you don’t have to worry about them putting additional gas and pollution into the atmosphere. If you’re looking for a new car, go energy efficient if you can.
9.   Car consume more fuel when tires are not properly inflated and aligned. Keeping them properly inflated will lessen your impact on the environment.
10.  Carpooling is one of the best solutions to the problem of expensive gas and is an excellent air pollution solution. Like any other venture that involves the participation of other people, you may need to agree on some things in advance in order to keep things running smoothly. A car pool can remove three to four vehicles from the road per day, and you'll want to continue this personal step in air pollution control for as long as possible.
11.  Cheap devices for controlling air pollution should be developed.
12.  Consider using solar power instead of regular power. Solar power can save a ton of energy for you and, on top of that, it could also end up saving you a lot of cash in the long run as well.
13.  Do not burn leaves in your garden, put them in a compost pit.
14.  Don’t let your father drop you to school, take the school bus.
15.  Don’t use items that are going to kick up a lot of dust into the air; consider using other items instead. For example, instead of using a leaf blower, why not consider using a broom instead?
16.  Eat things that are made locally, like vegetables and meats. That means that they don’t have to get transported as far to get to you (on top of that, it’s also making a big difference for your local economy as well, which can help you even more in the long run).
17.  Encourage your family to walk to the neighbourhood market.
18.  Every year billions of batteries are sold and then disposed off after use. Buy a charger and few sets of rechargeable batteries and that should pay off in no time.
19.  For a change, ask you employer for work from home facility.  With so many options available for audio and video conferencing, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to carry left over work to home. This will not only help you to reduce you trips to office and save money but also helps you to reduce pollution.
20.  Forest fires should be checked. Adequate preventive measures should be adopted to protect the forests.
21.  Green belts should be created. Such areas should be developed around densely populated cities. There should be strict restriction for establishment of large buildings and industries along the Green belt areas.
22.  Hanging laundry up to dry instead of using a gas or electric dryer.
23.  If it isn’t exceptionally cold, consider just putting a blanket or extra layers on to take the chill off instead of wasting heat.
24.  If it isn’t incredibly hot outside, you may want to consider using a fan instead of air conditioning if you can. It takes a lot less power and energy to take care of it.
25.  If possible share your room with others when the airconditioner, cooler or fan is on.
26.  If possible, purchase items made up from recycled materials rather than buying fresh products. This will reduce the need to buy new raw materials to produce fresh items. When you are on a shopping spree, look for items having a recycle logo or are at-least made from recyclable content.
27.  If you are driving on a regular basis, make sure that you are driving smart instead of wasting gas. Drive within the speed limit, make sure that there aren’t a lot of things in your car that will weigh it down, and do all that you can to conserve the amount of gas that you will be using on a regular basis.
28.  If you have a lawn at your own backyard, consider starting a garden to grow fruits and vegetables. The fruits and vegetables that you buy from the market have had to travel several miles before reaching your plate. So growing then in your home would be a great way to stop air pollution.
29.  If you own a wood burning stove or a fireplace, be sure to keep it well-maintained. Old wood stoves can be replaced with newer models that are more efficient. It is also important to burn the right wood in the right way to prevent the generation of unnecessary air pollution.
30.  If you’re using materials that have a lot of chemicals and smell strongly, consider using them outside and/or not using them at all.
31.  If you’ve been receiving a lot of junk paper mail every week, its time for you to avail services of various such companies that can help you to get rid of these mails in your mailbox and save millions of trees that are being axed worldwide to produce paper.
32.  In case you are willing to contribute towards growing pollution in your area, consider joining any environmental group. You can meet people, discuss issues and share ideas on what you can do about it. Spread the work and ask to join in this noble cause.
33.  In industries there should be arrangement for pollution control.
34.  Industrial areas should be located at a safe distance from the residential areas.
35.  Its important for you to go for regular check up of your car to make sure it does not consume extra fuel. This will not only save you money but your car will also last longer.
36.  It’s better for the environment if you opt to go ahead and use cold water for your laundry instead of hot water, because you aren’t going to have to use your hot water heater, which uses extra fuel and puts it into the environment.
37.  Keep air-cleaning houseplants to help reduce the air pollutants inside your home. A list of recommended houseplants to help keep your home’s indoor air clean can be found here.
38.  Let the people around you know about how they can contribute to clean air initiatives and educate them about all of the different ways that they can take care of the environment themselves.
39.  Make sure that the pollution check for your family car is done at regular intervals
40.  More trees should be planted along roadsides and houses.
41.  Most states have strict requirements regarding the disposal of tires and motor oil. Burning is usually not permitted except in cases where special permits are obtained.
42.  Newly designed smoke free furnaces should be used.
43.  Old aerosol cans may have air pollutants in them. Check with your local recycling center to learn how to safely dispose of old spray paint, canned air, hair spray, and other items.
44.  Older refrigerators may contain the now-heavily regulated refrigerant Freon. Don't dispose of an old fridge without learning how you can safely handle this controversial refrigerant.
45.  Paint with a brush, not a sprayer.
46.  Plant trees around your home and in your community that can help to reduce air pollutants. Trees help to clean the air of gaseous pollutants, such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone, as well as particulate pollutants.
47.  Plastic Bags are made from oil products and they can hurt the environment because it takes them forever to decompose (and some never decompose).
48.  Plastics emit Dioxin and poisonous gases when burned. If you are planning any kind of trash burn (with local permits in place, of course) keep any and all plastics out of the fire.
49.  Quit smoking and encourage those around you to do the same. The smoke is terrible for you and for the air quality around you as well.
50.  Reduce the use of aerosols in the household.
51.  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle- Recycle as much as you can so that it can be reused later on in other products. That way, you aren’t adding to the problem by adding additional products to the mix of what is going on.
52.  Reducing dependence on central air conditioning with fans and open windows when possible.
53.  Renewable and non- polluting sources of energy like solar energy,wind energy,etc,should be used.
54.  Reuse paper bags, they work really well for almost anything you can imagine and they are recycled in the first place.
55.  See if your state or local government already has initiatives that could end up helping you to contribute to making the air quality in and around your area better than it would have been otherwise.
56.  Select products that are water-based or have low amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
57.  Shop by phone or mail.
58.  Some states have "Green Fleet" programs, which offer rebates for purchase and use of an alternate fuels vehicle? This is yet another great air pollution solution that not only improves the quality of the air, but also saves you money. Many alternative fuels such as bio-diesel are much lower in emissions, which results in fewer particles and vapors being discharged into the air. In other words, easier on the environment.
59.  Start your barbecue briquettes with an electric probe, or use a propane or natural gas barbecue.
60.  Store solvents in air-tight containers.
61.  Support companies that are committed to sustainable manufacturing practices and reducing pollution in the air.
62.  Support public policies and representative politicians who will work to protect the air and the environment.
63.  Switch-off all the lights and fans when not required.
64.  Talk to your local representatives and government officials about the concerns that you have related to the clean air issues in your community and encourage them to act on it and take care of those issues so that we can leave our world a better place for our children.
65.  Tall chimneys should be installed in factories.
66.  The forest cover should be protected. Adequate forest cover is essential for maintaining the quality of air. Trees absorbs carbon-dioxide (CO2) and releases oxygen (O2).
67.  There are many regulations governing the proper disposal or destruction of these items in some circumstances. Check with your local recycling center or other responsible agency to learn what the best method of disposal is for these potentially polluting products!
68.  Try to make sure that everything that you’re doing can be done in one trip instead of going out several times in your vehicle. That way, you’re using less gas while you’re out and about.
69.  Turning off the lights is part of the best solution to control air pollution? Power plants must generate electricity by either nuclear reactions, or by burning fossil fuels. Every time you leave the light on in the basement, more fossil fuel must be burned to keep that light on, and more pollution is put into the air as a result. To effectively control air pollution, it's necessary to reduce the amount of fossil fuels being burned. The next time you hit the light switch, remember that you are directly contributing to the air pollution solution.
70.  Use a propane or natural gas grill instead of charcoal. Then, you’re not putting fossil fuels into the air, which can be incredibly detrimental to the world around you.
71.  Use a push or electric lawn mower.
72.  Use both sides of a piece of paper. Otherwise, you’re just being wasteful with the things that you are using.
73.  Use eco-friendly products in your home and in your yard. When purchasing household products for your home and your yard, opt for the cleanest and greenest products that don’t contain any harmful polluting chemicals.
74.  Use of railway steam engine should be stopped. The burning of combustible materials such as coal produces poisonous gases that are released into the air. Electric engines should be used instead of steam or diesel engines.
75.  Use surge protectors if you have areas that are going to use a number of different appliances and then, if you can, make sure that you turn it off when you aren’t using anything on the surge protector. This saves energy and the items that you have plugged in as well.
76.  Use water-based paints. Look for paints labeled "zero-VOC."
77.  Utilize insulation in and around your home in order to make it so that you don’t have to use as much energy in order to heat your home.
78.  When it comes to buying items from outside, consider buying those with minimal packaging and are reusable. Even if they are packaged, try to buy the one with least packaging.
79.  Whenever possible take your bicycle.
80.  Whenever you buy new electronic products for your home or office, always buy ENERGY STAR products. These products have to meet certain requirements for energy savings.

Harmful Effects of Air Pollution:
1.   Air Pollution affects the central nervous system causing carbon monoxide poisoning.CO has more affinity for haemoglobin than oxygen and thus forms a stable compound carboxy haemoglobin(COHb),which is poisonous and causes suffocation and death.
2.   Air pollution affects respiratory system causing breathing difficulties and diseases such as bronchitis,asthma,lung cancer,tuberculosis and pneumonia.
3.   Air pollution causes depletion of ozone layer due to which ultraviolet radiations can reach the earth and cause skin cancer,damage to eyes and immune system.
4.   Air pollution from certain metals,pesticides and fungicides causes serious ailments.
5.   Burning of fuels like wood,cow dung cakes,coal and kerosene in homes pollute the air.
6.   Certain metals cause problem in kidney,liver,circulatory system and nervous system.
7.   Exhaust gases emitted by motor vehicles which pollute the air are the major source of air pollution in big cities.
8.   Fungicides cause nerve damage and death.
9.   Indiscriminate cutting of trees and clearing of forests increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and thereby pollutes it.
10. Industries pollute air by releasing various types of pollutants such as sulphur dioxide,oxides of carbon,nitrogen oxide,chlorine,asbestos dust and cement dust.
11. It causes acid rain which damages crop plants,trees,buildings,monuments,statues and metal structures and also makes the soil acidic.
12. It causes greenhouse effect or global warming which leads to excessive heating of earth's atmosphere,further leading to weather variability and rise in sea level.The increased temperature may cause melting of ice caps and glaciers,resulting in floods.
13. Lead pollution causes anaemia,brain damage,convulsions and death.
14. Mining activities releases particulate matter into the air and pollutes it.
15. Nuclear power plants pollute air by releasing radioactive rays.
16. Pesticides like DDT(Dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane) which are toxic enter into our food chain and gets accumulated in the body causing kidney disorders and problems of brain and circulatory system.
17. Smoking pollutes air by emitting carbon monoxide and nicotine.
18. Thermal power plants pollute air by emitting sulphur dioxide and fly-ash.
19. Use of chlorofluorocarbons in refrigeration,fire extinguishers and aerosol sprayers pollutes air by depleting the ozone layer.
20. Use of fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture pollute the air.

Agree in advance how gas expenses will be split among the car pool members. Don't smoke. Send smokers outside. Microwave meals instead of cooking with a gas stove. A compilation of simple steps to prevent air pollution, which will help you do A few great tips: According to the WHO, air pollution is the fifth largest killer in India. Carbon Actions You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution Actions You Can Take to Reduce Air Pollution Add insulation to your home. Agree in advance to these terms and you will save yourself a lot of hassle. Carpooling is an excellent air pollution prevention technique, but it only works if you approach it with the forethought needed to make such a group effort work properly. Air Pollutants:They are the substances which pollute the air.Some of the common pollutants are dust,soot,ash,carbon monoxide,excess of carbon dioxide,sulphur dioxide,oxides of nitrogen,hydrocarbons,chlorofluorocarbons(CFC),lead compounds,asbestos dust,cement dust,pollens and radioactive rays. Air Pollution - causes, effects and control ... Air Pollution - causes, effects and control measures Air Pollution Awareness Air Pollution Control Strategies | Environmental Protection Department Air Pollution Controls? Check Under The Hood of Your Car Air Pollution Prevention Air Pollution Solutions Air Pollution Sources, Effects, Prevention, and Control Air Pollution Sources, Effects, Prevention, and Control Air Pollution: Air Pollution:It is an undesirable change in the physical ,chemical or biological characteristics of air. Air Quality Tips Air pollution Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful Air pollution isn't just an outdoor concern. Air pollution prevention, monitoring and solutions for kids Air pollution solutions are done better with prevention activities All vehicles in the United States are required to have catalytic converters installed in their vehicles; one of the best solutions for the problem of vehicle emissions at the time the law was passed. The problem is, catalytic converters wear out like any other part on your car. When they start to go bad, your car's emissions are likely to increase, and before you know it you are no longer part of the air pollution solution, you're part of the problem. Many states do not require emissions testing, but if you suspect you are coming up on a maintenance period for your car or truck, have the emissions tested if facilities are available. What you discover may surprise you. Those interested in air pollution prevention should have their emissions checked when other routine maintenance happens. Tune-ups, brake checks, and other muffler replacements are all good times to see just how much a part of the problem you could be. Allergens, such as mold, pollen, pet dander and dust mites Also, air purifiers and aromatherapy can often make air quality worse unless they are the the right kind, Dr. Khatri says. They need to be HEPA (high-efficiency particulate arresting) air filters. Alternative Fuels And Green Vehicles Although opening windows helps ventilate your home, car or office, that’s not always possible due to allergies or extreme temperatures. Always use recyclable products if you have access to them and the ability to choose them. They take less power to make than other products. Are there state programs to encourage alternative fuels use? Are you interested in green vehicles and alternative fuels? If you want to be part of an excellent air pollution solution for today's overcrowded roads, check out the U.S. Department of Energy's helpful alternative vehicles page. One of the most helpful resources at this site is the map of alternative fuels stations. Purchasing an alternative fuels vehicle as a way to help control pollution does no good if you can't find a place to fill up the vehicle! Ask your Employer For WFH Facility: Avoid burning wood, leaves, trash, and charcoal during ozone action days. Avoid running your car's engine during traffic jams and train crossings. Avoid smoking indoors (quitting smoking is the best answer for overall health) Best ways to fight indoor air pollution Brilliant Solutions to Air Pollution Buy ENERGY STAR Products: Buy Energy Efficient Vehicles: Buy Items Made From Recycled Materials: Buy Rechargeable Batteries: Car Pooling Tips, Part Two Carpool. Carpooling And Pollution Prevention Cars should, as far as possible, be fitted with catalytic converters. Changing air quality is a bigger issue, but you can reduce your Choose Products With Minimal Packaging: Cigarette smoke Clean frequently to remove dust and molds. Comments Conserve Energy Future Conserve energy - at home, at work, everywhere Consider using air filters and getting your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems) checked regularly. Consolidate Your Trips: Contribute: Controlling air pollution isn't just about picking the best solution and doing nothing else. There are many little things people can do every day to reduce gasoline or electricity use, which reduces the need to consume more fossil fuels: Craft and office supplies, such as paints, glues and toner ink Cut Down on Junk Mail: Cutting down on air pollution is an important step in going green Decide in advance whether one person will do all the driving, or if the duties will be shared. Delhi's air pollution has been worse than Beijing's again this week Did you know the Toyota Prius has the best environmental rating for 2006? The worst rated vehicle maker according to the guide is Lamborghini, with one model getting a pathetic nine miles to the gallon. Do Regular Car Check Up: Doing Your Bit - Kids 4 Clean Air | Pollution | Climate | Recycling Don't heat your home with a gas cooking stove. Don’t Use Hazardous Chemicals: Don’t keep the lights or other electric devices on. The more traditional power that you are using, the more energy you’re wasting and the more that you’re polluting the air. Dr. Khatri recommends using natural cleaning supplies and elbow grease to minimize risks. Dry your clothes on a clothesline instead of trying to dry your clothes in a dryer. The less energy that you use, the better off it will be. Dust surfaces and vacuum frequently Easy Steps to Reduce Air Pollution Eat Organic Food: Educate Your Companions: Electrostatic Precipitators:When the polluted air containing particulate pollutants is passed through an electrostatic precipitator,it induces electric charge on the particles and then the aerosol particles get precipitated on the electrodes. Encourage your family to form a car pool to office and back. Encourage your family to walk to the neighbourhood market Environmental Awareness › Pollution Prevention Environmental pollution, problems and control measures – Experts say that one of the most common indoor air pollutants is cigarette smoke. Fabric Filters:The particulate matter is passed through a porous medium made of woven or filled fabrics. Fix water leaks Follow these Tips Every Day to Reduce Pollution Fortunately, there are ways you can minimize air pollution in your home, car or at work, Dr. Khatri says. Fumes from dry cleaned garments (many solvents used are carcinogenic) Fundamentals of prevention and control of air pollution:. Gas stoves that are not not well ventilated with hoods to outside (can increase exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide and formaldehyde) Get an Energy Audit Done: Get an audit on your home that is related to energy efficiency, and ask the auditor about changes that you can make in order to ensure that your home is as energy efficient as possible. They can give you recommendations that will help you out and even save you money in the long run. Gravity:In this process,the particulate settle down by the action of gravitational force and get removed. Green Driving For Businesses Grown Your Own Fruits and Vegetables: Have car emissions tested regularly Have your gas appliances and heater regularly inspected and maintained. Helping Control Air Pollution With Your Next Vehicle Purchase Here are 6 ways you can help prevent air pollution, just in time for Air Quality Awareness Week. Here are a few tips that even you can do to help reduce the amount of air pollution in our world today ... Here are few essential ways that will help to prevent air, water and land pollution. Air pollution can be absolutely prevented by Using smokeless ... Here are nine ways to deal with Delhi's air pollution—but you may not ... Here are some simple steps you can take: High School Earth Science/Reducing Air Pollution Household cleaners Household cleaning supplies are another common cause of indoor pollution. Harsh chemicals that give off fumes can irritate your nose, mouth and lungs, as well as your skin. The fumes can cause inflammation that can make it more difficult for people with chronic lung conditions to heal from infections. It can also worsen inflammation due to other triggers, such as allergies. How To Avoid Pulluting Air How Your School Can Prevent Pollution How can I help reduce air pollution? How can I plan ahead in order to make my carpool work efficiently? How can citizens of Delhi help in reducing polution How do I start a carpool? How do you prevent factory pollution? How to Prevent Air Pollution How to control air pollution How to cut down your risk I If driving duties are to be shared, agree ahead of time whether one vehicle will be used, or if carpool members will volunteer their vehicles. If you are concerned with air pollution prevention, but find yourself needing to use a lot of light in your work or at home, consider the use of "low energy" light bulbs. These are bulbs that still put out high amounts of light with very low electricity use. If you need the brightness of a 90-watt bulb, low energy bulbs can do the job using only 18 watts. This is one of the best solutions you can buy in order to do your part to control air pollution. Did you know that even television professionals now have lower wattage bulbs that can be used in place of those wasteful and over-hot studio lights? These bulbs, often known as "Cool Lux" lights, operate with much lower electricity demands. Everybody can pitch in to reduce electricity use and participate in air pollution prevention. If you are in the market for a new car or truck, check out the EPA's site for models in your price range. Remember, when using this guide the only factor taken into account is the environmental impact when the vehicle is actually used. No information on the recycle ability of the vehicle or other environmental impact is listed. That said, the Green Vehicle guide is quite valuable as an air pollution prevention tool. If you smoke, do not smoke inside your home. Illnesses caused by indoor air pollution Improper ventilation in homes (can increase levels of radon and carbon monoxide gas In a time when gasoline prices are on a steady climb, and global warming is a very real concern, why don't more people carpool? The problem is that many people don't know how to get a carpool started. In an age where motor vehicles are among the leading causes of air pollution, alternative fuels vehicles make a lot of sense. The Department of Energy page can point you in the right direction to find the right alternative fuel vehicle for you. You can be part of one of the best solutions for both drivers and the economy when it comes to air pollution prevention. In order to better control air pollution, even the simple little things listed here can go a long way if enough people do them regularly. In the 1970s, an energy crisis forced people to give serious consideration to ways to conserve energy, and consequently, reduce air pollution. The best solution at that time was carpooling. Indoor air pollution can increase a person’s chances of having flares of chronic lung problems, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Instead of using chemical-filled air fresheners, use essential oils to make your home smell nice. Insulate the Leakages: Irritating perfumes It is very necessary to learn how to control air pollution It's easy to forget about the connection that ordinary household items and appliances have with air pollution, but it's very important to remember a few things when it comes to proper disposal of some things around the home: Join an Environmental Group: Keep Car Tires Properly Inflated: Keep a lid on scented candles Keep trash covered to avoid attracting pests Learn how to avoid spreading air pollution. Look after the trees in your neighbourhood. Make sure exhaust fans are functioning in your bathrooms and kitchen Make sure your gas stove is well-ventilated Man made sources Many pollution prevention opportunities are available to schools Materials used in older buildings such as asbestos, formaldehyde and lead Mechanical Devices:It works on the basis of following: Minimize air freshener use Minimize clutter Mold, formaldehyde, and radon can make indoor air unhealthy. Follow these 12 steps to clean up the air in your home. National Pollutant Inventory Natural Sources Odors from harsh household cleaners Opt for no-VOC or low-VOC paints, stains, finishes, paint strippers, and glues. Other indoor pollutants that exacerbate asthma or other chronic lung conditions include: Particulates from candles and incense Plant a garden that is going to give the air the nutrients that it needs to be cleaner. There are so many plants out there that will eat up the junk in the atmosphere. Do your research and see what one(s) you can grow easily and that will help the world around you. Pollution Prevention Tips Pollution affects all the elements of an ecosystem, including air, water and soil. Pollution in Delhi - Types, Causes, and Steps to control it | My India Pollution prevention means changing the way Practical ways to prevent air, land and water pollution Prevention And Control of Air Pollution:Different techniques are used for controlling air pollution caused by 'gaseous pollutants' and that caused by 'particulate pollutants'. Prevention Of Air Pollution In Points Prevention of Air Pollution Here's What You Can Do Products such as cleaning agents, paints, and glues often contain harmful chemicals. Use them outdoors or with plenty of ventilation indoors. Quit Smoking: Raking leaves rather than using gas-powered leaf blowers. Read these 10 Air Pollution Prevention and Solutions Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Air Quality tips and hundreds of other topics. Recycle and buy recycled products. It takes more energy and natural resources to make new things, increasing the environmental footprint (including the air pollution that is produced) of those products, compared with those products that are made from recycled materials. Reduce smog Reduce the air pollution of your automobile. When you are out for a drive, do not idle your vehicle. Drive less by combining trips, telecommuting, carpooling, carsharing, riding a bike, walking, and using public transit. When you are in the market to buy a new vehicle, consider buying the most efficient, and least polluting vehicle. Be sure to keep car tuned and regularly replace air filters at recommended intervals. Reducing Air Pollution Reducing air pollution used to be as simple as making sure your car was running properly. Reducing pollution Remove carpeting if possible Remove shoes at the door Ride public transit. Role of ventilation, air filters SHAREFACEBOOKTWITTERLINKEDINPINTEREST Save energy. When you save energy, whether it is at home, at work, or while you are traveling, you will be reducing air polluting particulates as well as carbon emissions that pollute the air. For more information on how you can save energy, check out our articles on 10 Tips on How to Improve Energy Efficiency at Home and 10 Ways to Save Energy and Money at Home. She says the risks are disproportionately high in children, who are more likely to be playing on the ground, and in people with chronic heart and lung problems. Simple Solutions to Help Reduce Air Pollution - Simple Solutions to Help Reduce Air Pollution. Simple Ways to Prevent Air Pollution in Your Home Slippers on the mat, top view with space for text Solar energy prevents water and air pollution associated with burning fossil fuels ... Solutions to air pollution: A variety of measures has been undertaken Some of the measures to reduce and control air pollution are as follows: Sources of Air Pollution:The pollution of air can be caused by natural processes or by human activities. Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Health | Family Sudden change in the direction of air flow:It brings about separation of particles due to greater momentum. Super Easy Ways To Stop Air Pollution Super Easy Ways to Stop Air Pollution - Taking some simple precautions can help boost air quality in your home and improve your health. Talk to Local Representatives: Technologies that can reduce air pollution include catalytic converters, hydrogen fuel Telecommute. Tell me any 15 ways for preventing air pollution? Test your home for radon The Necessity of Light The forest cover should be protected. Green belts should be created. The particulate present in the polluted air are filtered and gets collected in the fabric filters ,while the gases are discharged. The process of controlling air pollution by using fabric filters is called 'bag filtration'. The small things you do every day can help reduce air pollution There are a variety of transport measures to improve air pollution that can be. There are actions every one of us can take to reduce air pollution There are also likely longer-term effects from ongoing exposure that are more difficult to measure, such as the likelihood of lung cancer from radon exposure, as well as secondhand and thirdhand smoke. There are many things we can do to help reduce air pollution and global warming. There are simple steps you can take in your everyday life ... There are simple steps you can take in your everyday life to help improve air quality There are so many options for going green out there and a lot of them come with tax breaks that can make it even easier for you to do so. Look into your local, state, and even federal initiatives in order to see if they have something that can help you change your tune. These are some of the steps the administration and the courts took to reduce pollution levels in Delhi. These, obviously, are not the only ways that you can go ahead and stop air pollution from an even bigger problem than it already is. What are you doing that we have listed on this life? And, what did we miss that you think could make a huge difference when it comes to trying to help the atmosphere and the environment in general? Leave us a comment so that we can all learn from each other and explore the big world of preventing issues that are related to pollution in our environment and around the world that we currently are living in. Those living in major cities who want to save money and control air pollution should post ads on company Intranet site and in company break rooms. In your ad describe the neighborhood where you live, and the route you take to work. Tell people to join you in your efforts to car pool. It may sound strange, but nobody wants to feel like they are the first to sign on with you! In a matter of weeks or months, you could have a full car, each person sharing gas expenses and treating the environment to three or four fewer cars on the road. Tips To Avoid Polluting Air To do so, try some of the following: To reduce air pollutants in your home and in your city, follow these tips that can help you and your family live a healthier life Transportation Tips | Household Tips | Lawn/Garden Tips | Action Day Tips. Updated on May 24, 2016 Use Blankets When it is Cold Outside: On the other side of that coin, i Use Broom Instead of Leaf Blower: Use Cold Water Instead of Hot: Use Fan Instead of AC: Use Natural Gas Instead of Charcoal: Use Public Transportation: Use your vehicle a lot less often. Carpool and rideshare when you have the ability to do so and consider using public transportation instead of walking; that way, you aren’t contributing to all of the issues that the air is already dealing with before adding your car to the mix. Use Surge Protectors: Use a EPA certified woodstove or fireplace instead of oil. Once again, the less oil you use, the better it is for the atmosphere. Use a dehumidifier and/or air conditioner to reduce moisture Use a fan instead of air conditioning. Use an EPA-approved wood burning stove or fireplace insert. Use carbon monoxide detectors Use craft supplies in well-ventilated areas Use eco-friendly products in your home and in your yard Use green cleaning products instead of conventional chemical-filled products. For ideas about which products contain the cleanest ingredients, The Environmental Working Group’s Consumer Guides web page is a great place to start. Use only unleaded petrol. Use paints that are based with water and not oil. The less oil products that you are using, the better off that you’re going to be because that means less oil is being produced overall. Use safer products, such as baking soda instead of harsher chemical cleaners. Using public transportation for short local trips. WAYS TO PREVENT AIR POLLUTION Walk or ride a bicycle. Want to Control Air Pollution? Start at Home Wash bedding weekly in hot water Water school grounds in the morning or in the evening to prevent evaporation Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality and Reduce Air Pollution Ways To Reduce Air Pollution Ways To Reduce Air Pollution In Your Home And City Ways You Can Prevent Indoor Air Pollution Ways to Prevent Air Pollution Ways to Reduce Air Pollution Ways to Reduce Your Air Pollution Footprint Ways to Reduce and Control Air Pollution Ways to Reduce and Control Air Pollution Ways to Stop Pollution - Green Living Ways to Take Action to Reduce Air Pollution Wet Scrubbers:They are used to trap SO2,NH3 and metal fumes by passing the fumes through water. What Can I Do to Help Reduce Air Pollution What are "little" ways people can help control air pollution? What can be done in your city to decrease air pollution What can you do?-air pollution tips What is the "Green Guide" What should I check on my car to see if I am polluting the air? What should I do to help cut air pollution when much light is needed? What should I know about air pollution when it comes to disposing of ordinary household products? What you can do to reduce air pollution When you think of air pollution, you most likely don’t conjure up images of the inside of your home or office. But because we spend so much time indoors — especially in colder weather — keeping the air quality as clean as possible in your home, car and workplace is important for your health. Where can I find help learning about green vehicles and alternative fuels? Why Does Turning Off The Lights Reduce Air Pollution? Why does turning off the lights reduce air pollution? Wood-burning fireplaces or stoves You Can Help Keep the Air Cleaner -- Every Day You can help prevent air pollution Your next choice in vehicles could make a big difference in the amount of air pollution you contribute to the problem. The best solution to worries about what kind of vehicle to buy might come from a handy publication put out by the Environmental Protection Agency. The "Green Guide" is designed to help consumers buy the best vehicle when it comes to air pollution prevention. about the possible health effects of air pollution and how to prevent them. ... During times of heavy pollution, their condition may worsen to the point that they ... effectively respond to air quality issues. examples of point-source pollution. low level ozone measures to reduce and control air pollution are as follows: monoxide (CO), a ... old is gold to reduce air pollution ollution-problems-and-co... pollutionpollution prevent-air-pollution simple ways to help reduce air pollution simple ways you can reduce air pollution. At home: steps aimed at curbing rising air pollution levels in Delhi tips for reducing air pollution tips to reduce air pollution in your city. ways for preventing air pollution ways to reduce air pollution. ways to stop pollution, and unraveling the mystery of stopping pollution. ways-stop-pollution we bring most of those pollutants indoors ourselves. “In addition to worsening the symptoms of asthma and other chronic respiratory problems, indoor air pollution can also cause irritation of the nose, throat, eyes and lungs,” Dr. Khatri says. “The residual gas and particles from cigarette smoke that settle … [do] pose health hazards, particularly in rooms with a lot of fabric or carpeting,” says pulmonologist Sumita Khatri, MD. “Those with sensitive lungs and upper airways, like people with asthma and chronic sinusitis, may notice their symptoms getting worse,” Dr. Khatri says. “We all have heard of second-hand smoke; this is called third-hand smoke.

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