Saturday, September 3, 2016

difference between chikungunya and dengue fever

Type Chikungunya Dengue
Cause of disease (vector) Aedes ageypti and aedes albopictus mosquitoes Aedes agypti mosquito
Cause of disease (virus) Chikungunya virus Dengue virus1, dengue virus2, dengue virus 3, and dengue virus 4.
Diagnosis Serological testing, virus isolation test, and genetic ID of virus gene structures. Detection of either C or E1 genome indicates positive result,  similarly increased antibody also mark presence of chikungunya virus CBC and Platelets count, WBC Count
Fever High (1-2 days and relapse after 2-3 days High (1-2 days and relapse after 2-3 days
Fever Degree Fever higher than 38.5 D of sudden onset  Fever higher than 38.5 D of sudden onset 
Initial Symptoms Fever, Joint pain, Muscle pain, Headache, Eye infection, rashes, Nausea (sometimes accompanied by vomiting) Abrupt onset of Fever, joint pain, headache, rashes, chills, pain behind the eyes, BLEEDING is very common.
Interventions Bed rest and hydration. Paracetamol for fever and pain. REFRAIN from taking
aspirin and iburofen.
Bed rest and hydration. Paracetamol for fever and pain.
Watch our for signs of bleeding- blood in feces/stool, epistaxis or nosebleed, bleeding gums, etc.
REFRAIN from taking aspirin and iburofen. 
Joint pain and muscle pain Joint pains on hands and feet. Swelling is present and the pain is high in the morning. Mild joint pain, Severe Muscle pain on the back, arms and legs. Joint pain on knees and shoulders.
Possible complications Upto 10% of patients develop chronic joint pain. Neurological damage is possible, but rare. Life threatening complications such as shock, breathing difficulty and heavy bleeding can occur.
Severity  Rarely fatal Highly fatal
Skin rashes Rashes on trunk, limbs, face, palms and feet,after 3-4 days (non haemorrhagic) Rashes usually limited to face and limbs,from day 1-3 (can be haemorrhagic
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