Monday, May 9, 2016

Yoga Asanas For Glowing Skin

1.  Alom Vilom:- Close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale slowly through the left nostril. Fill up your lungs to the maximum capacity and hold your breath. Exhale and repeat the process with the left nostril. Anulom Vilom Pranayam improves blood circulation and removes mental tension and worries. It makes our skin radiant and keeps our stress-free.

2.  Ardha-matsyendra Asana:- This pose is named after Sage Matsyendranath whose favourite meditation pose was Full Spinal Twist position. However, since it is a little difficult to practice a simplified form Half Spinal Twist originated, also known as ardha-matsyendra asana. It increases the circulation in the pelvic region and provides fresh blood, nutrients and oxygen required by our body.

3.  Bhastrika pranayam:- Breathe in by inhaling forcefully through both the nostrils. Once you feel that your lungs are full with air, exhale with great force making hissing sound. Bhastrika pranayam help to throw out toxins, boosts the supply of oxygen and purifies blood.

4.  Bhramari pranayam:- It is one of the best breathing exercises to release the mind of anger, agitation, frustration or anxiety. Cover both ears with your thumb and place two fingers on your eyes and two fingers on your face. Take a deep breath in and as you breathe out make a humming sound like a bee.

5.  Halasana:- It is an extreme forward bending exercise which promotes strength and flexibility in all the regions of the back and neck. It improves blood circulation and nourishes many of the essential internal organs. Regular practice of this asana maintains inner balance and makes our skin glow.

6.  Kapalabhati:- Take a deep breath, as much as you can, to fill your belly. Forcefully exhale the air out to empty your stomach completely. Repeat this in succession for at least 40-50 times. This yoga technique acts as a natural cleanser and an important supplier of extra oxygen, for the natural re-vitalization and anti-aging process.

7.  Mandookasana:- Mandookasana makes you healthy from inside by massaging the pancreas, liver and spleen with the pressure of the fists as you bend. It also increases blood circulation in the abdomen, torso and brain and tones the abdominal organs and muscles.

8.  Nagaasana:- This asana is also known as Bhujangasana. It improves digestion and appetite and relives fatigue, headache and insomnia – everything necessary to make your skin relax. Furthermore, this asana helps in shedding belly fat.

9.  Paschimottamasana:- The benefit of this asana is that all your posterior muscles get extended and relaxed. It is beneficial for backache, relieves constipation and treats all the abdominal disorders.

10. Sarvangasana:- The main benefit of the shoulder stand is to get the thyroid gland working at peak efficiency. It's the thyroid gland which is mainly responsible for your correct weight and youthful appearance. This asaan also ensures ample blood supply to lungs, heart and skull.

11. Shalabhasana:- Although this asana is especially recommended for relieving sciatica and pain in the lower back, it also massages the internal organs and improves digestion. It also improves blood circulation and destresses your mind.

12. Shirshasana:- It stimulates four of the most important endocrine glands - the pituitary, the pineal, the thyroid, and the parathyroid glands that are responsible for our very existence, for they keep the body mechanism in good working order.

13. Simhasana:-The best benefit of this asana is that it gives a good massage to your face and facial muscles. Practicing Simhasana on a regular basis is that it helps in stimulating platysma - a flat, thin rectangular-shaped muscle on the front of the throat.

14. Tadasana:- The movement of oxygen into, through, and out of the body releases harmful toxins and keeps vital systems running optimally. This easy standing pose allows us to focus on deep, rhythmic breathing which is an essential element of healthy skin.

15. Trikonasana:- This position improves every single bone, muscle, joint and internal organ. It revitalizes nerves, veins and tissues.

16. Ushtrasana:- The pose resembles the hunch of a camel. The pull brings calmness to the mind, improves posture and stimulates the neck and abdominal organs.

17. Utkatasana:- This asana facilitates the circulation of blood flow throughout the body and encourages the skin to sweat out impurities.

18. Uttanasana:- Since this pose requires us to turn against gravity, blood flows into the face more rapidly. This fills the skin with oxygen and other helpful nutrients that fight free radicals, promote skin cell renewal and give a rosy glow.

19. Viparita Karani:- In this asana, all you need to do is rest your legs against the wall. It calms the mind, body & soul and gives you a feeling of deep relaxation. It also requires clear focus, regular breathing, and a great deal of stamina.

20. Yoga asanas for a glowing skin:- From the times of Cleopatra the quest of looking good is on. However, the way our current lifestyle is robbing us off our natural skin glow, layers of makeup seems to have become the last resort. Yoga facilitates skin glow by stabilizing hormones and enhancing oxygen rich blood flow to our skin.

21. Yoga asanas for a glowing skin:- Yoga asanas and pranayama makes you free from disease by strengthening the immune system. Healthy body means healthy skin. There are many yoga asanas that can help us achieve a perfectly balanced glowing skin.

22. Yoga for Beauty: Pranayam:- Pranayam provides us oxygen which is transported to our cells across the body through our blood. Practicing paranayam everyday can give you an incredible glow.

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  1. The boat pose also regulates the thyroid glands and the prostate glands, which help to regulate your metabolism and help to relieve your stress. Yoga for Thyroid

  2. thanks for sharing about Yoga Asanas For Glowing Skin!!
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